Developing Your Contingent Workforce Management Solution with ICE
In contingent workforce management there are many aspects that have to be considered to ensure compliance. ICE will make you aware of the specific requirements of the countries you are working in and provide the support you need to guarantee you, your workers and your customers remain compliant throughout the duration of your programme.
If you partner with ICE, when initially developing your contingent workforce management solution, we will work with you on every stage so you can get things right from the outset. We can advise you on the creation, development and implementation of an efficient country solution based on your business model, the makeup of your workforce, and of course considering the local rules and legislation.
But our support doesn’t stop there. If you have been managing contract labour, you know only too well it involves a lot more than a simple on-boarding and off-boarding of workers. ICE will give you peace of mind so you don’t have to worry about constantly reading and researching in order to stay abreast of the local laws and regulations. We will do that for you and provide you with regular updates, so that you can remain compliant not only when workers join or leave your programme, but for the entire duration of their engagement.